Mad Packing Skills or pro-crassss-tin-A-tiooonnnn

I wrote this originally for Art Valet in The Leader … I changed my mind. But I like it so, enjoy! ~ Mitch

Fair warning dear reader, this week’s column will be of the tongue and cheek variety. No hard hitting deep dive into the psyche of an emerging Houston artist. I won’t be tossing words like juxtaposition, pre or post eras of little known art movements; certainly not, this is a family newspaper. 

This column may reflect the author’s inability to grasp time, however. Specifically the ability to put together a newspaper column in a timely manner that avoids quoting such literary giants as Douglas Adams, who once said, “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”

Much to the chagrin of my editor. The whooshing sound I may hear next is a glass of something flying towards my head. 

I digress, let’s get to the root of the issue here, I no longer own a watch or calendar. Okay I do in fact own three art calendars by artists I know, but apparently I bought them for the pictures. Watch? The irony is, as an event coordinator, I am forever after the exhibitors to make deadlines. Yet, I may be the worst … or best at missing mine. Honestly though, I think it’s the adrenaline rush of being “out of time,” and being forced to perform now or die.

I asked artists that attend my First Saturday Arts Market if they procrastinate and out of the ones that responded, almost all said yes. One artist (who shall remain anonymous) even suggested it is the only way they can focus and then suggested we all have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). 

Apparently if you have trouble concentrating, are hyperactive, and exhibit impulsivity, you may be a procrastinating artist type person. Me: raises hand!

When is waiting until the last minute beneficial? For me, it’s packing up for an art market. I can pack a 10 foot box truck in twenty minutes flat and not forget a thing. I don’t forget anything because I pack everything. I’m still working on keeping that adrenaline rush going for unpacking, I’ll let you know how that works out.

That whooshing sound is getting louder, so I’d best wrap up this miniaturized version of my weekly column, there’s some glassware I need to avoid.

I learned my insane packing skills getting ready for markets like the one I’m hosting this Saturday, First Saturday Arts Market at 540 W. 19th St. Don’t rush to get there, the market is open 11 – 6 p.m.

*Photo is the back of the rental van I get for the markets … loaded and ready. You should see it at the end of the day, though!

Photo is the back of the rental van I get for the markets ... loaded and ready. You should see it at the end of the day, though!