Sculpture by Heather Squires Designs

An Art Valet supplement from The Leader Newspaper.

A few missed and extra NY resolutions sent to me by 1st Saturday Market Artists for this fun column published the first week of January 2022. Enjoy!

Jeff Woodruff (He’s got a precisionist sense of humor)

I’ve been trying to train my cat to make ear wires for me.  We have not gotten very far.  Right now she already is the production manager.  I’m, trying to get her to be more paws-on . One problem is that she is always pausing to take a nap.  This is what I’m dealing with, now.


My artist resolution is to do twice as many paintings as I did last year and get more of my photography pieces out there!I’ve started 2 childrens books I hope to finish this year and I have an idea for an art book I’ve been working on for the past 5 years! Keeping fingers crossed and enthusiasm high!

Caroline Truong (She suggested I pick one. So I picked all three!)

– Keep painting! And charge the market rate for murals.
– Keep painting! And stop underpaying myself.
– Keep painting! And stick to a minimum rate for pricing my work and mural services.

Ron Gordon

Moving to New Art/Work Space… Determined not to fill it up with junk I don’t need.

Deborah Ellington

To start a blog. Set up a schedule of social media posts. Learn best practices for marketing art.

Monique Weston

I’d like to go to two exhibits per month – seems like a given but it keeps getting away with family stuff and COVID restrictions.