Read more about artists that travel to the market.

We have always had artists drive in from all over Texas. The boundaries seem to be Arkansas to the north, Brownsville to the south, Austin to our west and … I’m holding my breath that Nancy & John (Tuz) Adams, currently in the Florida Keys (that’s East y’all), may yet surprise us with one more go.

For the November at First Saturday Arts Market we have two artists that I’d say fit the bill. Read my interview with jeweler Lilli Lehtonen, in THE LEADER newspaper. She’s from Finland. You’ll know that immediately that her accent is not one she picked up in The Woodlands, her current home. Read more about her fascinating work here. ART VALET: There’s a story in that locket

Shoba Rani, definitely fits the international artist description, and I’m thrilled to host her as my guest artist at the November market.

The November 4, 2023 First Saturday Arts Market has a special out of town guest in artist, P. Shoba Rani.  Rani has traveled from Bangalore, India with husband Ramula to visit family. Rani brought her art with her, at the suggestion of brother and sister-in-law Venu and Elsie Rao. Rani will showcase her mosaic style paintings on acrylic board for the first time to an American audience.

Visit Shoba’s web profile on 1st Saturday’s website!

Shoba Rani brought two collections with her to the U.S., Tipsy and Disposition series. Rani believes that it is only natural to create. She is experimental in her approach, pushing the boundaries of traditional mediums and materials as well as subject matter. She embodies the notion that being inspired by one’s surroundings keeps one young.

“Ecstasy,” part of the “Tipsy,” series was inspired by an article Rani read in a science magazine about how different spirits look under an electron microscope. Ecstasy is actually champagne!

Shoba Rani is a retired educator and experimental artist based in Bangalore, India. Her art is inspired by the cosmos itself. She sees beauty in everyday objects at the macro and microscopic levels. She delights in expressing what she sees in vibrant colors. As a lifelong artist she has created art with a variety of materials including fabrics, wood, shells, beads, seeds, stones, and any material that works for her vision. Her most recent work featured here, is an acrylic sheet painted with translucent glass paints, acrylic paints and crystals.

“I’ve been creating ever since I was a child,” Rani says. “I’ve since expressed myself through various traditional mediums, finding ways to mix and match them. But my most interesting work has involved experimentation with alternate mediums: candles, driftwood, fabrics, seeds, stones, m-seal … anything at all really. Now, I work with acrylic boards that mimic glass. I work with light, colour and my unique perspective.”

To feel inspired by one’s surroundings keeps you young. An artist’s mind never ages, and my mind will always keep creating.
Shoba Rani

She likes to inspire creativity in young minds.

About the featured art piece, “Ecstasy”
Tipsy – Drinks Under a Microscope “Ecstasy” 
Size: 24”x24” on Acrylic Board
Medium: Mixed

The medium of our intoxication often mirrors the end result. You just need to take a closer look. From within the molecules of a drop of champagne, one can see a vibrant and striking peacock emerge, ready to take on the world.